
Published work13
Pending publications: 1
Patents Granted: 2
Awards / Grants: 4
Citations since 2019:34
H index:6
i10 index:2

2023: Patent US 11,586,790 : Determining Hydrocarbon Production Sweet Spots

The patent describes an innovative method to harness near wellbore substantial functions in gas reservoirs, such as pseudo pressure integral and non-Darcy flow component, in order to quantify energetic productive sites with rigor pressure computations. The invention identifies Total Dynamic Productivity Index values in 3D domain and provides input matrix for efficient well placement optimization algorithms.

2020: Patent US 10,670,753: History matching of time-lapse crosswell data using ensemble kalman filtering

Data from crosswell seismic surveys is processed to provide crosswell time-lapse data to map fluid changes in a reservoir where time-lapse or 4D seismic data is unavailable or unreliable, such as in onshore reservoirs. The resultant processing results provide quantitative information for history matching purposes using a probabilistic approach to take in account uncertainties in the geological model and reduce uncertainties in reservoir production forecasts.

2018: A Robust Approach Towards Safe and Cost Effective Drilling in High Pressure Formations

Formation overpressures often results in problems during drilling operations. Therefore, accurate pre-drilling pore pressure prediction is crucial for over-pressured formations. In order to improve predictability, a probabilistic approach utilizing Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS) was employed. Finally, seismic data has been utilized to predict seismic over-pressure map by classification of seismic waveform calibrated to well information. This integrated modeling approach substantially improved the predictability of high pressure zones from 15% (deterministic approach) to currently 70% (probabilistic approach prescribed in this work).

2018: History Matching a gas reservoir using Ensemble Based Methods

A geologically complex retrograde gas reservoir was history matched using the ensemble smoother with multiple data assimilation (ES-MDA). This advanced assisted history matching technique is capable of reducing the utilization of existing computational resources while improving the quality of the simulation models by preserving the geological consistency of the model during the history matching process. This study presents one of first application of ensemble based methods to a gas/condensate reservoir in Middle East. The results obtained strongly encourage the further utilization of the presented methodology.

2016: Visual Analysis of Reservoir Simulation Ensembles

Hydrocarbon reservoir simulation models produce large amounts of heterogeneous data, combining multiple variables of different dimensionality, such as two or three-dimensional geospatial estimates with abstract estimates simulated for the complete field or different wells. In addition these simulations are nowadays often run as so-called ensemble simulations, to capture uncertainty of the model, as well as boundary conditions as variation in the output. The (visual) analysis of such data is a challenging process, due to the size and complexity of the data. In this paper we present an integrated system for the visual analysis of ensemble reservoir simulation data. We provide tools to inspect forecasts for multiple variables of complete fields, as well as different wells. Finally, we present a case study highlighting the effectiveness of the presented system.

2016: A Sparse Bayesian Imaging Technique for Efficient Recovery of Reservoir Channels With Time-Lapse Seismic Measurements

A new EnKF scheme based on sparse domain representation was introduced by Sana et al. (2015) to incorporate useful prior structural information in the estimation process for efficient recovery of subsurface channels. In this paper, we extend this work in two ways: 1) investigate the effects of incorporating time-lapse seismic data on the channel reconstruction; and 2) explore a Bayesian sparse reconstruction algorithm with the potential ability to reduce the computational requirements. Numerical results suggest that the performance of the new sparse Bayesian based EnKF scheme is enhanced with the availability of seismic measurements, leading to further improvement in the recovery of flow channels structures.

2016: Ensemble-Based Assisted History Matching With Rigorous Uncertainty Quantification Applied to a Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir

This paper presents an ensemble-based computer Assisted History Matching (AHM) of a real life carbonate oil field. The field-level reservoir pressures were matched with a fine-scale Dual-Porosity DualPermeability (DPDP) model spanning a long production history under primarily peripheral water injection pressure support. The AHM workflow integrates probabilistic Bayesian inference using Ensemble Smoother with Multiple Data Assimilation (ES-MDA), which simultaneously assimilates the data and generates maximum a-posteriori updates of reservoir model parameters in a variance- minimizing update scheme.

2015: An Evaluation of Assisted History Matching Methodologies for Giant Simulation Models

This study provides performance evaluation guidelines for AHM studies and a cost benefit metrics for feasible history matching studies of giant simulation models. These metrics will take into consideration several criteria, such as the quality of the simulation model, the requirement for compute and storage resources, time to converge to an optimal or acceptable simulation model, user friendliness and ease of integration of the tool in an existing simulation environment. The evaluation matrices were used to evaluate two stochastic tools. One is utilizing genetic/evolutionary algorithms and the other one is using different global statistical algorithms.

2014: Multi-Data Reservoir History Matching and Uncertainty Quantification

Ensemble filtering techniques have been proven efficient, versatile and accurate for estimating reservoir properties. Amongst the filters, the EnKF has been widely applied due to its simplicity with the EnKS becoming more attractive for real data applications due to its smoothing properties. The SEIK has been recently introduced for reservoir history matching due to its favorable properties of coping with large number of observations. We present results from extensive studies for different reservoir types demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed system in significantly enhancing production forecasts and reservoir parameters estimation, providing a vital tool for enhanced reservoir management and uncertainty quantification.

2014:Using Crosswell Data To Enhance History Matching

In this paper we study the use of crosswell seismic data as an alternative to 4D seismic surveys in areas where it is not possible to re-shoot seismic. A synthetic reservoir model is used in a history matching study designed to predict the peak production allowing decision makers to properly plan field development actions. This information could have major financial implications affecting decisions making regarding the company portfolio.

2013: MSc. Graduation Thesis

One of the most challenging tasks in the oil industry is the production of reliable reservoir forecast models. Because of different sources of uncertainties the numerical models employed are often only crude approximations of the reality. This problem is tackled by the conditioning of the model with production data through data assimilation. This process is known in the oil industry as history matching.

2009: Consequences of a Quadratic Law of the Lever

We present the discussion which exists in the literature related to Archimedes’s demonstration of the law of the lever. One important aspect of the argument concentrates on the meaning of his postulates. In order to clarify this whole subject, we analyze what consequences would arise if nature followed a different law of the lever. We concentrate, in particular, in the case of a torque proportional to the square of the distances of the bodies to the fulcrum. We consider not only a linear lever but also a horizontal triangle which can rotate around a horizontal axis parallel to one of its sides.


We present the discussion which exists in the literature related to Archimedes’s demonstration of the law of the lever. One important aspect of the argument concentrates on the meaning of his postulates. In order to clarify this whole subject, we analyze what consequences would arise if nature followed a different law of the lever. We concentrate, in particular, in the case of a torque proportional to the square of the distances of the bodies to the fulcrum. We consider not only a linear lever but also a horizontal triangle which can rotate around a horizontal axis parallel to one of its sides.


This project aims to reproduce the experiments carried out by André Marie Ampère (1775-1836) to obtain its law of forces between elements of current in an empirical way, using low cost materials and easily accessible. Ampère was one of the biggest names in electromagnetism, so much so that one of the basic units of the International System of Units is the Ampère (electric current). James Clerk Maxwell called it "Newton of Electricity", so much of the work of Ampère. Ampère's research began with the discovery of H. C. Oersted (1777-1851) in 1820 that a free magnetized needle to rotate in the horizontal plane undergoes a deflection in relation to its natural orientation in the presence of a rectilinear wire with constant current.